Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside.
In the first few months at our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6pounds. He was a big, happy and beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate.
He was on a limited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress.He has been on a mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4ounces. He is now on a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to beworking. He does not seem to be in any pain, but he looks like anolder cat. The last blood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem.
Is there anything we are not thinking about?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
suffering Persians
Dear Dr. Fox:
We have two white Persian cats. Ki Ki, 12, stopped eating anddrinking. He also had a urinary tract infection.
I gave him antibiotics for 15 days, after which the vet foundthat his white blood cell count was low. Another 15 days ofantibiotics produced still-low white blood cells.
Tumbalina, 14, also had a low white blood cell count. She alsosuffered from a loss of appetite, lack of fluids and weight loss.
I feed them Fancy Feast moist food and Evo dry food. I am nowgoing to a doctor of internal medicine who took an ultrasound andfound Ki Ki has cystitis. But we still have no plan.
M.L., Lanham
DF: You have certainly been through the mill with your poor cat.
Ki Ki is not a young cat and, coupling his age with his breed, hecould have other underlying health problems that brought on thecystitis.
A holistic approach is called for. You might have to force him todrink plenty of water, using a 10- or 20-cc syringe four to fivetimes a day. Get him used to a few drops of fish oil in his food,working up to a teaspoon daily. Fish oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, and probiotics will help boost his immune system andhelp fight infection.
Discuss with your veterinarian giving him glucosamine, and besure he is on a corn- and grain-free diet. Corn is often associatedwith cystitis in cats. Diabetes mellitus, for example, is oftenassociated with bladder infections in cats and humans.
The low white blood cell counts in both cats call for yet moredeductive work, and I don't have a simple solution. Don't use anyanti-flea chemicals on or around your cats and avoid allvaccinations.
sick shepherd
Dear Dr. Fox:
My German shepherd is about 6. I have fed him Purina Dog Chow dryfood for most of his life. I have spent thousands trying to figureout why he continues to scratch and bite his rear end and tail.
His fur is coming off his skin. The skin underneath the fur isdark, and he has bad body odor. I have recently started feeding himpasta, sweet potatoes, carrots, ground beef and ground-up apples.
E.J, Kettering
DF: German shepherds are prone to a variety of health issues,including allergies associated with skin problems and colitis orirritable bowel syndrome.
Emotional stress in this sensitive breed's environment can alsoplay a role. But first you should have your dog checked for mangeand fleabite hypersensitivity.
Give him veterinarian-rated dog foods; what you have been feedinghim is probably the root cause of his condition. He is most likelysuffering from a nutritional deficiency and might improve on aquality diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids from fish andflaxseed oils. Chronic fatty acid deficiency, common in dry dogfoods, could impair the immune system and bring on infections andsusceptibility to allergies.
Consider an elimination diet under veterinary supervision to ruleout or identify one or more ingredients that he might have becomeallergic to. A lamb, rice and sweet potato-based commercial dietmight do wonders, coupled with a daily dose of probiotics or plainorganic yogurt or kefir.
Michael W. Fox, author of a newsletter and books on animal care,welfare and rights, is a veterinarian with doctoral degrees inmedicine and animal behavior. Write to him at United FeatureSyndicate, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106.
2011 United Feature Syndicate
Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside. In the first few monthsat our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6 pounds. He was a big, happyand beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate. He was on alimited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress. He has been ona mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4 ounces. He is nowon a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to be working. He does notseem to be in any pain, but he looks like an older cat. The lastblood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem. Is there anything we are not thinkingabout?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
suffering Persians
Dear Dr. Fox:
We have two white Persian cats. Ki Ki, 12, stopped eating anddrinking. He also had a urinary tract infection. I gave himantibiotics for 15 days, after which the vet found that his whiteblood cell count was low. Another 15 days of antibiotics producedstill-low white blood cells.
Tumbalina, 14, also had a low white blood cell count. She alsosuffered from a loss of appetite, lack of fluids and weight loss.
I feed them Fancy Feast moist food and Evo dry food. I am nowgoing to a doctor of internal medicine who took an ultrasound andfound Ki Ki has cystitis. But we still have no plan.
M.L., Lanham
DF: You have been through the mill with your poor cat. Ki Ki isnot a young cat and, coupling his age with his breed, he could haveother underlying health problems that brought on the cystitis.
A holistic approach is called for. You might have to force him todrink plenty of water, using a 10- or 20-cc syringe four to fivetimes a day. Get him used to a few drops of fish oil in his food,working up to a teaspoon daily. Fish oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, and probiotics will help boost his immune system andhelp fight infection.
Discuss with your veterinarian giving him glucosamine, and besure he is on a corn- and grain-free diet. Corn is often associatedwith cystitis in cats. Diabetes mellitus, for example, is oftenassociated with bladder infections in cats and humans.
The low white blood cell counts in both cats call for yet moredeductive work, and I don't have a simple solution. Don't use anyanti-flea chemicals on or around your cats and avoid allvaccinations.
sick shepherd
Dear Dr. Fox:
My German shepherd is about 6. I have fed him Purina Dog Chow dryfood for most of his life. I have spent thousands trying to figureout why he continues to scratch and bite his rear end and tail. Hisfur is coming off. The skin underneath the fur is dark, and he hasbad body odor. I have recently started feeding him pasta, sweetpotatoes, carrots, ground beef and ground-up apples.
E.J, Kettering
DF: German shepherds are prone to a variety of health issues,including allergies associated with skin problems and colitis orirritable bowel syndrome.
Emotional stress in this sensitive breed's environment can alsoplay a role. But first you should have your dog checked for mangeand fleabite hypersensitivity.
Give him veterinarian-rated dog foods; what you have been feedinghim is probably the root cause of his condition. He is most likelysuffering from a nutritional deficiency and might improve on aquality diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids from fish andflaxseed oils. Chronic fatty acid deficiency, common in dry dogfoods, could impair the immune system and bring on infections andsusceptibility to allergies.
Consider an elimination diet under veterinary supervision to ruleout or identify one or more ingredients that he might have becomeallergic to. A lamb, rice and sweet potato-based commercial dietmight do wonders, coupled with a daily dose of probiotics or plainorganic yogurt or kefir.
2011 United Feature Syndicate
Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside.
In the first few months at our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6pounds. He was a big, happy and beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate.
He was on a limited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress.He has been on a mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4ounces. He is now on a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to beworking. He does not seem to be in any pain, but he looks like anolder cat. The last blood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem.
Is there anything we are not thinking about?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
suffering Persians
Dear Dr. Fox:
We have two white Persian cats. Ki Ki, 12, stopped eating anddrinking. He also had a urinary tract infection.
I gave him antibiotics for 15 days, after which the vet foundthat his white blood cell count was low. Another 15 days ofantibiotics produced still-low white blood cells.
Tumbalina, 14, also had a low white blood cell count. She alsosuffered from a loss of appetite, lack of fluids and weight loss.
I feed them Fancy Feast moist food and Evo dry food. I am nowgoing to a doctor of internal medicine who took an ultrasound andfound Ki Ki has cystitis. But we still have no plan.
M.L., Lanham
DF: You have certainly been through the mill with your poor cat.
Ki Ki is not a young cat and, coupling his age with his breed, hecould have other underlying health problems that brought on thecystitis.
A holistic approach is called for. You might have to force him todrink plenty of water, using a 10- or 20-cc syringe four to fivetimes a day. Get him used to a few drops of fish oil in his food,working up to a teaspoon daily. Fish oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, and probiotics will help boost his immune system andhelp fight infection.
Discuss with your veterinarian giving him glucosamine, and besure he is on a corn- and grain-free diet. Corn is often associatedwith cystitis in cats. Diabetes mellitus, for example, is oftenassociated with bladder infections in cats and humans.
The low white blood cell counts in both cats call for yet moredeductive work, and I don't have a simple solution. Don't use anyanti-flea chemicals on or around your cats and avoid allvaccinations.
sick shepherd
Dear Dr. Fox:
My German shepherd is about 6. I have fed him Purina Dog Chow dryfood for most of his life. I have spent thousands trying to figureout why he continues to scratch and bite his rear end and tail.
His fur is coming off his skin. The skin underneath the fur isdark, and he has bad body odor. I have recently started feeding himpasta, sweet potatoes, carrots, ground beef and ground-up apples.
E.J, Kettering
DF: German shepherds are prone to a variety of health issues,including allergies associated with skin problems and colitis orirritable bowel syndrome.
Emotional stress in this sensitive breed's environment can alsoplay a role. But first you should have your dog checked for mangeand fleabite hypersensitivity.
Give him veterinarian-rated dog foods; what you have been feedinghim is probably the root cause of his condition. He is most likelysuffering from a nutritional deficiency and might improve on aquality diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids from fish andflaxseed oils. Chronic fatty acid deficiency, common in dry dogfoods, could impair the immune system and bring on infections andsusceptibility to allergies.
Consider an elimination diet under veterinary supervision to ruleout or identify one or more ingredients that he might have becomeallergic to. A lamb, rice and sweet potato-based commercial dietmight do wonders, coupled with a daily dose of probiotics or plainorganic yogurt or kefir.
Michael W. Fox, author of a newsletter and books on animal care,welfare and rights, is a veterinarian with doctoral degrees inmedicine and animal behavior. Write to him at United FeatureSyndicate, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106.
2011 United Feature Syndicate
Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside. In the first few monthsat our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6 pounds. He was a big, happyand beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate.
He was on a limited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress.He has been on a mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4ounces. He is now on a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to beworking. He does not seem to be in any pain, but he looks like anolder cat. The last blood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem.
Is there anything we are not thinking about?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
suffering Persians
Dear Dr. Fox:
We have two white Persian cats. Ki Ki, 12, stopped eating anddrinking. He also had a urinary tract infection.
I gave him antibiotics for 15 days, after which the vet foundthat his white blood cell count was low. Another 15 days ofantibiotics produced still-low white blood cells.
Tumbalina, 14, also had a low white blood cell count. She alsosuffered from a loss of appetite, lack of fluids and weight loss.
I feed them Fancy Feast moist food and Evo dry food. I am nowgoing to a doctor of internal medicine who took an ultrasound andfound Ki Ki has cystitis. But we still have no plan.
M.L., Lanham
DF: You have been through the mill with your poor cat. Ki Ki isnot a young cat and, coupling his age with his breed, he could haveother underlying health problems that brought on the cystitis.
A holistic approach is called for. You might have to force him todrink plenty of water, using a 10- or 20-cc syringe four to fivetimes a day. Get him used to a few drops of fish oil in his food,working up to a teaspoon daily. Fish oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, and probiotics will help boost his immune system andhelp fight infection.
Discuss with your veterinarian giving him glucosamine, and besure he is on a corn- and grain-free diet. Corn is often associatedwith cystitis in cats. Diabetes mellitus, for example, is oftenassociated with bladder infections in cats and humans.
The low white blood cell counts in both cats call for yet moredeductive work, and I don't have a simple solution. Don't use anyanti-flea chemicals on or around your cats and avoid allvaccinations.
2011 United Feature Syndicate
Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside.
In the first few months at our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6pounds. He was a big, happy and beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate.
He was on a limited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress.He has been on a mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4ounces. He is now on a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to beworking. He does not seem to be in any pain, but he looks like anolder cat. The last blood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem.
Is there anything we are not thinking about?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
suffering Persians
Dear Dr. Fox:
We have two white Persian cats. Ki Ki, 12, stopped eating anddrinking. He also had a urinary tract infection.
I gave him antibiotics for 15 days, after which the vet foundthat his white blood cell count was low. Another 15 days ofantibiotics produced still-low white blood cells.
Tumbalina, 14, also had a low white blood cell count. She alsosuffered from a loss of appetite, lack of fluids and weight loss.
I feed them Fancy Feast moist food and Evo dry food. I am nowgoing to a doctor of internal medicine who took an ultrasound andfound Ki Ki has cystitis. But we still have no plan.
M.L., Lanham
DF: You have certainly been through the mill with your poor cat.
Ki Ki is not a young cat and, coupling his age with his breed, hecould have other underlying health problems that brought on thecystitis.
A holistic approach is called for. You might have to force him todrink plenty of water, using a 10- or 20-cc syringe four to fivetimes a day. Get him used to a few drops of fish oil in his food,working up to a teaspoon daily. Fish oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, and probiotics will help boost his immune system andhelp fight infection.
Discuss with your veterinarian giving him glucosamine, and besure he is on a corn- and grain-free diet. Corn is often associatedwith cystitis in cats. Diabetes mellitus, for example, is oftenassociated with bladder infections in cats and humans.
The low white blood cell counts in both cats call for yet moredeductive work, and I don't have a simple solution. Don't use anyanti-flea chemicals on or around your cats and avoid allvaccinations.
sick shepherd
Dear Dr. Fox:
My German shepherd is about 6. I have fed him Purina Dog Chow dryfood for most of his life. I have spent thousands trying to figureout why he continues to scratch and bite his rear end and tail.
His fur is coming off his skin. The skin underneath the fur isdark, and he has bad body odor. I have recently started feeding himpasta, sweet potatoes, carrots, ground beef and ground-up apples.
E.J, Kettering
DF: German shepherds are prone to a variety of health issues,including allergies associated with skin problems and colitis orirritable bowel syndrome.
Emotional stress in this sensitive breed's environment can alsoplay a role. But first you should have your dog checked for mangeand fleabite hypersensitivity.
Give him veterinarian-rated dog foods; what you have been feedinghim is probably the root cause of his condition. He is most likelysuffering from a nutritional deficiency and might improve on aquality diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids from fish andflaxseed oils. Chronic fatty acid deficiency, common in dry dogfoods, could impair the immune system and bring on infections andsusceptibility to allergies.
Consider an elimination diet under veterinary supervision to ruleout or identify one or more ingredients that he might have becomeallergic to. A lamb, rice and sweet potato-based commercial dietmight do wonders, coupled with a daily dose of probiotics or plainorganic yogurt or kefir.
Michael W. Fox, author of a newsletter and books on animal care,welfare and rights, is a veterinarian with doctoral degrees inmedicine and animal behavior. Write to him at United FeatureSyndicate, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106.
2011 United Feature Syndicate
Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside.
In the first few months at our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6pounds. He was a big, happy and beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate.
He was on a limited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress.He has been on a mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4ounces. He is now on a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to beworking. He does not seem to be in any pain, but he looks like anolder cat. The last blood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem.
Is there anything we are not thinking about?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
suffering Persians
Dear Dr. Fox:
We have two white Persian cats. Ki Ki, 12, stopped eating anddrinking. He also had a urinary tract infection.
I gave him antibiotics for 15 days, after which the vet foundthat his white blood cell count was low. Another 15 days ofantibiotics produced still-low white blood cells.
Tumbalina, 14, also had a low white blood cell count. She alsosuffered from a loss of appetite, lack of fluids and weight loss.
I feed them Fancy Feast moist food and Evo dry food. I am nowgoing to a doctor of internal medicine who took an ultrasound andfound Ki Ki has cystitis. But we still have no plan.
M.L., Lanham
DF: You have certainly been through the mill with your poor cat.
Ki Ki is not a young cat and, coupling his age with his breed, hecould have other underlying health problems that brought on thecystitis.
A holistic approach is called for. You might have to force him todrink plenty of water, using a 10- or 20-cc syringe four to fivetimes a day. Get him used to a few drops of fish oil in his food,working up to a teaspoon daily. Fish oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, and probiotics will help boost his immune system andhelp fight infection.
Discuss with your veterinarian giving him glucosamine, and besure he is on a corn- and grain-free diet. Corn is often associatedwith cystitis in cats. Diabetes mellitus, for example, is oftenassociated with bladder infections in cats and humans.
The low white blood cell counts in both cats call for yet moredeductive work, and I don't have a simple solution. Don't use anyanti-flea chemicals on or around your cats and avoid allvaccinations.
sick shepherd
Dear Dr. Fox:
My German shepherd is about 6. I have fed him Purina Dog Chow dryfood for most of his life. I have spent thousands trying to figureout why he continues to scratch and bite his rear end and tail.
His fur is coming off his skin. The skin underneath the fur isdark, and he has bad body odor. I have recently started feeding himpasta, sweet potatoes, carrots, ground beef and ground-up apples.
E.J, Kettering
DF: German shepherds are prone to a variety of health issues,including allergies associated with skin problems and colitis orirritable bowel syndrome.
Emotional stress in this sensitive breed's environment can alsoplay a role. But first you should have your dog checked for mangeand fleabite hypersensitivity.
Give him veterinarian-rated dog foods; what you have been feedinghim is probably the root cause of his condition. He is most likelysuffering from a nutritional deficiency and might improve on aquality diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids from fish andflaxseed oils. Chronic fatty acid deficiency, common in dry dogfoods, could impair the immune system and bring on infections andsusceptibility to allergies.
Consider an elimination diet under veterinary supervision to ruleout or identify one or more ingredients that he might have becomeallergic to. A lamb, rice and sweet potato-based commercial dietmight do wonders, coupled with a daily dose of probiotics or plainorganic yogurt or kefir.
Michael W. Fox, author of a newsletter and books on animal care,welfare and rights, is a veterinarian with doctoral degrees inmedicine and animal behavior. Write to him at United FeatureSyndicate, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106.
2011 United Feature Syndicate
Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside.
In the first few months at our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6pounds. He was a big, happy and beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate.
He was on a limited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress.He has been on a mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4ounces. He is now on a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to beworking. He does not seem to be in any pain, but he looks like anolder cat. The last blood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem.
Is there anything we are not thinking about?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
suffering Persians
Dear Dr. Fox:
We have two white Persian cats. Ki Ki, 12, stopped eating anddrinking. He also had a urinary tract infection.
I gave him antibiotics for 15 days, after which the vet foundthat his white blood cell count was low. Another 15 days ofantibiotics produced still-low white blood cells.
Tumbalina, 14, also had a low white blood cell count. She alsosuffered from a loss of appetite, lack of fluids and weight loss.
I feed them Fancy Feast moist food and Evo dry food. I am nowgoing to a doctor of internal medicine who took an ultrasound andfound Ki Ki has cystitis. But we still have no plan.
M.L., Lanham
DF: You have certainly been through the mill with your poor cat.
Ki Ki is not a young cat and, coupling his age with his breed, hecould have other underlying health problems that brought on thecystitis.
A holistic approach is called for. You might have to force him todrink plenty of water, using a 10- or 20-cc syringe four to fivetimes a day. Get him used to a few drops of fish oil in his food,working up to a teaspoon daily. Fish oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, and probiotics will help boost his immune system andhelp fight infection.
Discuss with your veterinarian giving him glucosamine, and besure he is on a corn- and grain-free diet. Corn is often associatedwith cystitis in cats. Diabetes mellitus, for example, is oftenassociated with bladder infections in cats and humans.
The low white blood cell counts in both cats call for yet moredeductive work, and I don't have a simple solution. Don't use anyanti-flea chemicals on or around your cats and avoid allvaccinations.
sick shepherd
Dear Dr. Fox:
My German shepherd is about 6. I have fed him Purina Dog Chow dryfood for most of his life. I have spent thousands trying to figureout why he continues to scratch and bite his rear end and tail.
His fur is coming off his skin. The skin underneath the fur isdark, and he has bad body odor. I have recently started feeding himpasta, sweet potatoes, carrots, ground beef and ground-up apples.
E.J, Kettering
DF: German shepherds are prone to a variety of health issues,including allergies associated with skin problems and colitis orirritable bowel syndrome.
Emotional stress in this sensitive breed's environment can alsoplay a role. But first you should have your dog checked for mangeand fleabite hypersensitivity.
Give him veterinarian-rated dog foods; what you have been feedinghim is probably the root cause of his condition. He is most likelysuffering from a nutritional deficiency and might improve on aquality diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids from fish andflaxseed oils. Chronic fatty acid deficiency, common in dry dogfoods, could impair the immune system and bring on infections andsusceptibility to allergies.
Consider an elimination diet under veterinary supervision to ruleout or identify one or more ingredients that he might have becomeallergic to. A lamb, rice and sweet potato-based commercial dietmight do wonders, coupled with a daily dose of probiotics or plainorganic yogurt or kefir.
Michael W. Fox, author of a newsletter and books on animal care,welfare and rights, is a veterinarian with doctoral degrees inmedicine and animal behavior. Write to him at United FeatureSyndicate, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106.
2011 United Feature Syndicate
Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside.
In the first few months at our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6pounds. He was a big, happy and beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate.
He was on a limited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress.He has been on a mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4ounces. He is now on a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to beworking. He does not seem to be in any pain, but he looks like anolder cat. The last blood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem.
Is there anything we are not thinking about?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
Michael W. Fox, author of a newsletter and books on animal care,welfare and rights, is a veterinarian with doctoral degrees inmedicine and animal behavior. Write to him at United FeatureSyndicate, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106.
2011 United Feature Syndicate
Dear Dr. Fox:
Our 2-year-old Siamese cat has been losing weight. We got him andhis sister a year ago. Neither goes outside.
In the first few months at our home, he went from 9.2 to 10.6pounds. He was a big, happy and beautiful boy.
But within a few months, he started losing weight. A year later,he is 8.2 pounds. I have taken him to three veterinarians. He hashad every test suggested, and his blood work is always normal.
His appetite is good; he is loving and affectionate.
He was on a limited-ingredient diet for months, with no progress.He has been on a mild steroid for a week or so, and he dropped 4ounces. He is now on a stronger steroid that doesn't seem to beworking. He does not seem to be in any pain, but he looks like anolder cat. The last blood test showed all organ functions normal.
I was told the next step is for him to have invasive surgery toget multiple biopsies, and that it will be painful and might notidentify the real problem.
Is there anything we are not thinking about?
E.B., Alexandria
DF: A cat as young as yours with an as-yet-unidentified wastingdisease is a veterinary challenge. I would put off invasive surgeryand go back to square one.
This means a thorough fecal examination for internal parasitesand a careful examination of the mouth and teeth to rule outdebilitating stomatitis.
Then consider the possibility of an enzyme deficiency diseaseassociated with chronic pancreatitis. Discuss with your veterinariana course of treatment with digestive enzymes, probiotics and suchsupplements as taurine, fish oil and Platinum Performance FelineWellness supplement.
Wean your cat off the steroid medication and don't give himvaccinations or anti-flea medications.
suffering Persians
Dear Dr. Fox:
We have two white Persian cats. Ki Ki, 12, stopped eating anddrinking. He also had a urinary tract infection.
I gave him antibiotics for 15 days, after which the vet foundthat his white blood cell count was low. Another 15 days ofantibiotics produced still-low white blood cells.
Tumbalina, 14, also had a low white blood cell count. She alsosuffered from a loss of appetite, lack of fluids and weight loss.
I feed them Fancy Feast moist food and Evo dry food. I am nowgoing to a doctor of internal medicine who took an ultrasound andfound Ki Ki has cystitis. But we still have no plan.
M.L., Lanham
DF: You have certainly been through the mill with your poor cat.
Ki Ki is not a young cat and, coupling his age with his breed, hecould have other underlying health problems that brought on thecystitis.
A holistic approach is called for. You might have to force him todrink plenty of water, using a 10- or 20-cc syringe four to fivetimes a day. Get him used to a few drops of fish oil in his food,working up to a teaspoon daily. Fish oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, and probiotics will help boost his immune system andhelp fight infection.
Discuss with your veterinarian giving him glucosamine, and besure he is on a corn- and grain-free diet. Corn is often associatedwith cystitis in cats. Diabetes mellitus, for example, is oftenassociated with bladder infections in cats and humans.
The low white blood cell counts in both cats call for yet moredeductive work, and I don't have a simple solution. Don't use anyanti-flea chemicals on or around your cats and avoid allvaccinations.
sick shepherd
Dear Dr. Fox:
My German shepherd is about 6. I have fed him Purina Dog Chow dryfood for most of his life. I have spent thousands trying to figureout why he continues to scratch and bite his rear end and tail.
His fur is coming off his skin. The skin underneath the fur isdark, and he has bad body odor. I have recently started feeding himpasta, sweet potatoes, carrots, ground beef and ground-up apples.
E.J, Kettering
DF: German shepherds are prone to a variety of health issues,including allergies associated with skin problems and colitis orirritable bowel syndrome.
Emotional stress in this sensitive breed's environment can alsoplay a role. But first you should have your dog checked for mangeand fleabite hypersensitivity.
Give him veterinarian-rated dog foods; what you have been feedinghim is probably the root cause of his condition. He is most likelysuffering from a nutritional deficiency and might improve on aquality diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids from fish andflaxseed oils. Chronic fatty acid deficiency, common in dry dogfoods, could impair the immune system and bring on infections andsusceptibility to allergies.
Consider an elimination diet under veterinary supervision to ruleout or identify one or more ingredients that he might have becomeallergic to. A lamb, rice and sweet potato-based commercial dietmight do wonders, coupled with a daily dose of probiotics or plainorganic yogurt or kefir.
Michael W. Fox, author of a newsletter and books on animal care,welfare and rights, is a veterinarian with doctoral degrees inmedicine and animal behavior. Write to him at United FeatureSyndicate, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. 64106.
2011 United Feature Syndicate